Reconstructive Surgery

Reconstructive surgery is necessary when the form and function of the body have to be restored.

This usually happens after an accident, a cancer operation or with birth malformations. Skin, soft tissue, muscles, tendons and peripheral nerves, as well as knees and cartilage, are corrected, function is restored to the limbs, and even the capacity for facial expressions in the face,  paralysis and loss of sensation can be successfully treated with microsurgery or replacement operations.

For more information about the reconstructive surgery procedures below, contact us to arrange a no-obligation consultation.

Reconstructive Facial Surgery

Accidents, tumours or widespread inflammation now and then lead to defects or functional impairments of the face. The term reconstructive facial surgery covers all surgical measures for the recovery of the face’s form, as well as to bring back functions like speaking, biting swallowing, facial expressions and more.


Plastic Surgery Reconstruction after Accidents

After serious accidents, people can sometimes be left with long-lasting damage of the tissue. This can affect the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, tendons, nerves or bones. A basic principle of restorative plastic surgery is the transfer of healthy tissue from the patient’s own body.


Removal of Malicious Skin Tumours With Skin Reconstruction

As opposed to benign skin tumours, the removal of malicious skin tumours usually requires a surgical operation. Skin tumours can occur in any region of the body and after the removal, are treated by closing the soft tissue wound on the body’s surface.


Scar Corrections

Scars which occur over the course of life through injuries, accidents, burns or operations are often considered a disturbance even after a long time. This is either because they are found on a visible part of the body, because they can disrupt skin tension or because they cause restriction of mobility. Any of these reasons can be a good basis for looking into scar correction surgery.


Correction of Eyelid Malpositions

Unlike with age-related loosening of the eyelid skin, eyelid malpositioning can be caused by congenital diseases, scarring after an injury or operation, or by the paralysis of facial nerves. However, like age-related loosening, it can be corrected.


Plastic Surgery Reconstruction After Tumour Removals

Reconstructive measures can be carried out on any area of the body, depending on the size and position of the defect. After the resection of a tumour, the goal is to replace the lost tissue at the treated area with similar tissue, thus largely retaining the form and restoring the function of the body.


Plastic Surgery Reconstruction After Burns

Burns surgery involves the body’s largest and most sensitive organ, the skin. If the skin is scalded or burned, this is the beginning of an often very painful and lengthy healing process, a process which must be correctly and expertly handled.
